Finding Value in Markets Other Investors Shun
Interview with Tom Bachrach, Principal at PFH Capital
I love this interview with Thomas Bachrach. Tom is an eclectic investor who travels around the world looking for mispriced smaller companies, especially those in markets that a lot of other investors shy away from. He also is willing to invest in sectors that other people shun for various reasons (coal for example). With all of that as background, here is what we covered in the conversation:
· The founding inspiration for PFH Capital;
· The countries and markets he tends to gravitate towards;
· What it means to seek companies with healthy financials;
· Why he is interested in investing in companies with exposure to commodities; and
· What people are totally missing about coal
Please enjoy the full interview here:
Tom invests all over the world, including in countries such as Poland, Kazakhstan and Niger. Given his wide mandate and the thousands of companies he could potentially invest in, I was really curious about his new idea sourcing process. In this clip, Tom talks about where ideas come from and how often he rejects new ideas:
Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode. As mentioned previously, we have a lot more slated to come out over the coming months.
Enjoy the weekend,
Ben Claremon